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Sunday, February 6, 2011

BIHU - the main festival of assam ( a state just down himalaya )

 BIHU DANCE-- the new year festival of  Assam ,,,, the  festival of youth dance ,music , song .............to  celebrate the  Assamese new year  ----its called RONGALI BIHU .... a  group dancing ..and  a  close up  of  a  lady  dancer.

V vally -meeting or divideing ??

This place is  call -V VALLY  where  two line of  hills  meets  or  divides each other ,,situated in  the  middle of  shillong and cerapunji ...........i  go  through  this  place  so many times  till  dint understand  the hills are meeting each  other  or  going away.......

Saturday, February 5, 2011

somday you will come here ...you will find me here ......then you will go again

Someday if u  ever  Come  here  .....i will  welcome  you  in  home ......but  when  you  will  be  leaving  ....i will  let  you  from  the lake ............because after you will left ..i will  sit  there  for a  while ....... that  time also  its  You who  will miss me and  I?????" i still have  the  nature  .........

when i feel crying ....................i cry in the rain ................i am lucky...

All mankind cry ...so I.......but  i am  lucky  because no one can  see  me  crying ....as i cry  in  the  rain  ....even  i  cry  or  not  but  rainfall  is  always  there  ..to clean my  tears ....i live in  the  wettest place on  the  earth.....so  at  least  i  have  to  keep  dry  my  eyes  ..............to  see  the  rain ......so i  smile ..

Friday, February 4, 2011

First i fear and next moment only i love the --earthquake

------YES  i live  in  a  earthquake porn zone,  we  felt it here  today ..
i fear  it  because   -----it  can  demolish almost anything ---i am  not here  to  talk  all  that,
why  i  love  it ........"you  know  you  escape from your  home " -- what  can  make you  to  do  so ......now  you have the  answer .....you  leave everything  inside  your  house  just  run away   for  your  life ,,,,and then  you  
try to know  what  is more  important for you  ----just  a  life ???? 
Even  the  water  of a  pond  look  like  the  wave  of the  sea  ... the  birds fly  in  the  sky  ,,,,(thinking someone climbing the tree they  live ?)   dogs  barks ( why ?? i  don't  know  that  )
 and  i ??? i  just  feel  that  at  for  those  millisecond i  remember what is  more imp  for life ?? ,  ...........AND i too  run  for life  like  others...

Do you think??? i can live without the nature???

yes, that  is where  i  live  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, those  trees  ,those  rain ...and  i  sometime say  my  story  to  a  river  ...i think  i will  share  here  someday  .........someday  .....with  you  in  my blog

I Still Remember..... noisy bees made me run side by river

yes , The Himalayan detective bees